Composite Utility Poles
Handbook for Nordic Countries
Jerol Composite Utility Poles
The handbook is a collection of information regarding Jerol composite poles for overhead lines. The handbook contains everything from installation, raising and mounting, to descriptions of performance calculations and verification tests.
Below is the table of contents with links to pdfs of each relevant chapter
NOTE: The handbook is currently only available in Swedish.
Ch.1 Product Data Sheet
Updated 2017-10-06
- Pg 1: Jerol composite poles for overhead lines
- Pg 5: Composite anchors
- Pg 6: Meter box post
- Pg 8: Ducts
- Pg 10: Toolkits e.g. JVS 25
Ch. 2 Pole Assortment – E-numbers and data
Updated 2016-06-20
- Pg 1: Product assortment and data
- Pg 2: Pole data for composite anchors
- Pg 3: Data for meter box posts
Ch. 3 Load capacities for composite poles for overhead lines
Updated 2017-01-27
- Pg 1: Load capacities for N and G poles
- Pg 2: Load capacities for E and S poles
- Pg 3: Load capacities for S+2 and S+3 poles
- Pg 4: Load capacities for S+4 and S+5 poles
- Pg 5: Conversion table for Sweden, Norway and Finland
Ch. 4 Post anchors
Updated 2016-03-17
- Pg 1: General information on post anchors
- Pg 2: Anchors on mountains not covered by soil
- Pg 3: Anchors on mountains covered by soil
- Pg 5: Anchors on mountains in drilled and blasted holes
- Pg 7: Anchors in hard earth
- Pg 8: Anchors in loose and very loose earth
- Pg 10: Anchors in bog
Ch. 5 Raising the poles
Updated 2016-06-08
- Pg 1: Weight of the pole and centre of gravity from the base
- Pg 2: Torque in the bucket when using the refraction method
- Pg 3: Auxiliary torque when raising unmounted poles
- Pg 4: Handling of poles when raising
- Pg 4: Ordering pressure distribution equipment
Ch. 6 Working with Jerol poles
Updated 2016-03-14
- Pg 1: Climbing a Jerol composite pole
- Pg 3: Descriptions and links to videos
- Several videos found under Technical Information
Ch. 7 Compatible EBR Rates
Updated 2017-08-15
- Pg 1: Pin screws, distance sleeves and spacer tubes
- Pg 2: Screws
- Pg 2: Pole brackets: flat
- Pg 3: Pole caps
- Pg 3: Washers
- Pg 3: Curved plates for bracing and anchoring
- Pg 4: Strut bracket for composite poles
- Pg 4: Pressure distribution equipment; GrabJohn bucket
- Pg 5-61: EBR rates 0001 to 6608
Ch. 8 Routines for inspecting poles
Updated 2015-11-04
- Pg 1: Quality control in the production of composite poles
- Pg 2: Checking delivered products
Ch. 9 Handling instructions for composite poles
Updated 2015-11-06
- Pg 1: General handling instructions
- Pg 2: Handling with a timber grab
- Pg 3: Handling when mounting
- Pg 4: Lifting with straps
Ch. 10 Estimated lifespan of Jerol composite poles
Updated 2014-05-20
- Pg 1: Estimated lifespan and durability
- Appendix A – Statement from Ekenäs Energiverk
Ch. 11 Environmental Aspects – work and soil environments
Updated 2015-11-05
- Pg 1: Environmental Aspects – work and soil environments
- Pg 2: Environmental declaration
- Pg 4: Material safety information sheet
Ch. 12 Non-conductive properties of Jerol composite poles
Updated 2014-05-20
- Pg 1: STRI test report – Summary (Swedish)
- Pg.2: STRI test report – Complete (English)
Ch. 13. Dimensioning A and B class wires
Uppdated 2016-09-01
- Pg 1: Dimensioning A and B class wires
Teknisk information teledistributionsstolpar
Product Data Sheet (pdf)
Teknisk info
Jerol video
Här samlar vi alla videoklipp kring våra produkter. Klicka på länken för att öppna videoklipp i en ruta på skärmen. Sidan delas in i video för El- tele- och trafikstolpar:
Allmän installationsfilm
Allmän installationsfilm, montering, kapning, klättring, resning ( 4:54)
Klättring i Jerol Distributionsstolpe (3:10)
Montage av stolpe
Kapning av Jerol kompositstolpe (0:33)
Montering med bladdubb (1:15)
Montering av pinnbult (0:19)
Montering av regel (0:47)
Montering av märla för vajerstag (0:26)
Montering av skylt (0:21)
Resning av Jerol kompositstolpe på berg (1:22)
Resning av Jerol kompositstolpe i mark (0:47)
Kabeldragning på Jerol distributionsstolpar (0:34)
Jerol testar
Test av GrabJohn (1:29)
Test av hårdhet i olika temperatur (0:49)
Test av belastningskapacitet (2:50)
Besiktning av skadad stolpe (0:50)
Kapning (0:32)
Montering med märlor (0:25)
Montering av infästningsdon (0:17)
Montering av ögelskruv (0:20)
Montering av krampa (0:08)
Installation av bergsdubb (1:22)
Krocktestvideo – Belysningsstolpar, Hastighet: 100 km/h (0:10)
Krocktestvideo – Belysningsstolpar, Hastighet: 70 km/h (0:18)
Krocktestvideo – Belysningsstolpar, Hastighet: 35 km/h (0:21)
Krocktestvideo – Skyltstolpar och signalstolpar: 35 km/h, 70 km/h, 100 km/h ( 2:34)
Jerol Sign Post med fläns (0:49)