23/01/2015 - Jerol’s poles are now officially approved for use in the Swedish utility network owned by Vattenfall
Jerol’s poles are now officially approved for use in the Swedish utility network owned by Vattenfall
After an extremely thorough review of the Jerol pole’s strength calculations and supervised validating tests, according to the European standard, the internal product council at Vattenfall now has officially approved the Jerol poles in their networks.
New products during 2014
Lighting poles for illuminated tracks and trails
More and more people and organisations are discovering the benefits of using the Jerol composite pole when building an environmentally safe lighting system into lighted nature trails for jogging and skiing. Jerol has developed a pole sized for short span lengths and where standard line equipment materials are used.
Composite stay anchors
During the year, we have developed an environmentally friendly alternative to stay anchors. We are now pleased to offer you the Jerol composite anchors of various sizes which are tested in our test rig and they withstand the loads which normally occurs.

10/11/2017 - Jerol is closed for Christmas 27- 29 December.
Jerol is closed for Christmas 27- 29 December.
21/10/2017 - We will be at EBR Beredarträff
We will be at EBR Beredarträff.